4 Price Action Patterns: (Results) After 1M Stocks Research



Price Action Patterns

After doing a million stocks of research, we found the top 4 price action patterns that work very well in the market.

We have researched many price action patterns. We are doing research on many stocks regarding them. For more than half of them, the probability of winning in their price action patterns is much less than before.

Price Action Patterns

But right now, you do not need to go and research those price action patterns. I and my team are conducting research in which we have researched all those price action patterns which work in the real market and which do not work and in them,

We are providing you directly with the Top five high-probability stock price patterns.

However, I have described these top five price action chart patterns.

with examples in this article. So, you must be excited.


Let’s Dig Deeper,

Head & Shoulder Pattern: –

Head & Shoulder Pattern is one of the best day trading price actions that still works in the market. We have researched one million stocks regarding this pattern and it is performing the best. As compared to your other four price action patterns.

Head and Shoulder chart Pattern

Let us tell you the win probability of this price action pattern according to our research.

The probability of the pattern that we have found out is that its probability ranges from 82 to 87%.

Looks Great, Right?

Now that we knew the probability, we started working on the market structure and this pattern. And we noticed that as time passes, some changes in this pattern are coming very fast.

Let’s see.

Head and Shoulder chart Pattern

In our research, we found that 80% of the time when there is a neck break, then after that, it goes on consolidation, if you talk about it as compared to before, then like in this, directly tell that the momentum will be a little less in this, but because of its high probability, it is on our priority.

So, because of this, we can trade this price action pattern with more confidence.

Triple Top or Triple Bottom Pattern: –

Triple Top or Triple Bottom Pattern. We have taken second place because it has been the best pattern so far.

And if we talk about its probability then it is above 79%.

triple top chart pattern

This is one of the best reversal patterns. We found in our research that whenever it is formed, after that, a big momentum comes in the reverse side on the stocks, currencies, and commodities.

The time taken to make this pattern is a little longer. As compared to other price action patterns. But its plus point is that the longer it sustains, the higher the chances of a breakout and breakdown.

triple bottom chart pattern

When we did our research, we found that above 70%. This pattern was formed and after that, a good move came in stocks. Not in any currencies or any commodity.

Only stocks have gained more momentum through this price action pattern.

Double Top or Double Bottom Pattern: –

According to our research, the third pattern we have found is the Double Top and Double Bottom pattern.

What we found out after doing further research is that its probability is between 75 to 80%.

double top chart pattern

So right now, you might be feeling that its win probability is a little low, right?

Hey, don’t worry. We got a secret found out in it. Which is getting a lot of work in recent days.

double bottom chart pattern

We have checked the data of the last 5 years and found out that 70% of the price battles that have been formed have been double-top or double-bottom patterns. And their momentum has been much higher than the rest of the price action patterns compared to others.

The formation of this pattern is very quick as compared to other patterns and it also has a good movement. It proves to be a golden opportunity for us if we get this opportunity from someone.

Rounding Top or Rounding Bottom Pattern: –

During our research, another pattern that emerged that we did not expect is the Rounding Top or Rounding Bottom pattern.

And the amazing thing happened when we did some results with this and we got unexpected results.

Rounding top chart pattern

We found in our research that its win probability is a little low, but when this pattern is formed, after its momentum becomes very big due to which people’s money grows a lot, only one with the help of pattern and that is Rounding Top and Rounding Bottom Pattern.

The interesting thing is that you can use it anywhere in stocks, currencies, and commodities. It works properly in every assertion.


I and my team have done all this research. We have researched more than one million stocks. That’s why we have brought these results before you.

So, you can definitely trade these 4 price action patterns with full confidence.

And after this research, I have also been trying a lot more and my portfolio has grown by more than 15%.

You can find these patterns in any asset. Like, you can use it in stocks, commodities, and currency also.


What is the best pattern in price action?

Head & Shoulder Pattern is the best price action pattern with 82 to 87 percent win probability.


What is the V pattern in price action?

A quick momentum changes in the reverse direction of the stocks, currencies, and commodities.


What is the best method of price action?

Support and Resistance are the best method of price action.


How accurate are price action patterns?

The probability of winning goes up to 82 to 87%.


What is the most successful trading pattern?

Head & Shoulder Pattern is the most successful price action pattern with 82 to 87 percent win probability.

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