Best Day Traders to Follow on Twitter (2024)



Best Day Traders & Accounts to Follow on Twitter

To make a better trading decision, you should have a better source of information which is already Twitter where a lot of analyses are posted,

Many news companies post news, and many day traders share their knowledge and experiences.

You just have to follow the Best Day Traders on Twitter.

There are so many assets in the market and due to so many assets, you cannot keep track of each one,

hence the best source of information that comes out is Twitter.

hence the Best stock traders to follow on Twitter is free, the big traders, big news companies, HNI, and big day traders share their expertise.

Best Day Traders to Follow on Twitter
Best Day Traders to Follow on Twitter

Apart from this, the best traders to follow on twitter are primary.

but there are a lot of influencers and fake news being spread on social media.

there are a lot of false promotions too.

So, we should choose a legitimate and trustworthy day trader, a news channel, and a good financial expert.

So, we researched and we have brought you some legitimate and trustworthy traders and accounts on Twitter that you can follow for a great financial journey.

You will find answers to these questions in this article.

  • Best Day Traders to Follow on Twitter
  • Best Trading News Accounts to follow on Twitter
  • Best Learning Trading Accounts to follow on Twitter

Let’s Dig Deeper: –

How Twitter Helps in Your Trading Journey

How Twitter Helps in Your Trading Journey
How Twitter Helps in Your Trading Journey

Due to the availability of more financial information on Twitter,

you can know well about any asset, its financial reports, and its fundamentals, or if any unexpected event happens, then you can make your trading decisions by knowing about it.

What does Twitter help you with?

  • Trading Analysis: – Many day traders share their expertise and analysis on Twitter.
  • News Happening: – When news accounts have a predictable or unwanted event, they quickly share the news on Twitter.
  • Trending Assets: – When any stock or asset is trending, Twitter tells you and you will also be able to do your analysis by going to the assets or stock.
  • Trading Strategy: – Many expert traders keep sharing their strategies on Twitter.

5 Best Day Traders to Follow on Twitter

Peter Brandt @PeterLBrandt  has been a Prop trader since 1975. Author. Featured in Market Wizard Series. Chartist. Swing trader in futures.

And he keeps sharing his expertise, his analysis, and his strategies on Twitter so that he can provide better financial knowledge to the members of Twitter.

  • Prop Trader since 1975
  • Author
  • Chartist
  • Swing Trader in Futures

Scott Redler @RedDogT3 is a technical analyst who shares his stock chatting experience on Twitter and provides his learning for free so that everyone can learn from him.

  • Trader Since 1999
  • Technical Analyst
  • Chief Strategic Officer at T3 Company

Joe Kunkle @OptionsHawk is the founder of OptionHawk.

 Graduated from Bentley University in 2005 with a Bachelor of Science in Finance. Graduated from Boston University in 2007 with a Master of Science in Investment Management.

Passed Level 1 of the CFA in December 2006, and then realized the CFA program is more for educators, and has little real-world value.

  • Trading Analyst Since 2008
  • Creator of the Trading Hub

Marc Lehman @markflowchatter has over 23 years of experience in the financial market with a remarkable ability to predict events for the company before they happen.

And share their expertise on Twitter so that their Twitter members can go on a better financial journey.

  • Investor
  • Share Informational Tweets
  • Have Stocks Expertise

Brendan Wickens @tradertvbrendan is a financial trader and hosts a channel called Trend TV Live.

He only posts analytical tweets on different stocks. If you want to get free market analysis and daily recap, then you can follow him.

5 Best Trading News Accounts to follow on Twitter

CNBC @CNBC can be the best starting point for a beginner to trade.

If one follows CNBC on Twitter, he will be able to analyze the stocks, get to know quickly about the stock market and the upcoming events, and make decisions in his financial market by reading the news about them.

This is the best news channel in terms of worldwide business news.

Bloomberg Markets@markets provides breaking news and analysis of global financial markets.

It publishes all types of financial market news and keeps you up to date related to the financial market.

If there is any major change in the company, then you can go here and read the news article.

WSJ Markets @WSJmarkets shares financial news in depth where traders find the most reliable news and with the help of WSJ the trader make better decisions in trading apart from that you will get even more global financial news

Zerohedge@zerohedge is a popular source of information about the stock market.

It has a lot of information on politics, events, and real market updates.

By following this account, you will be able to learn about the global market much better which will help in investing.

Yahoo Finance@YahooFinance is one of the biggest financial market news platforms on Twitter account and the latest.

If there is any puncture in any company then they inform you through Twitter, because of this they have a lot of plus points and they are also Trustworthy.

If anyone wants a financial information source. The one you can trust is Yahoo Finance.

Best Learning Trading Accounts to follow on Twitter

TradingAcademy @TradingAcademy As a beginner, if you want to learn to trade, and want to learn investing.

Trading Academy can help you to a great extent in these financial markets they also have a Twitter account and website on which they share their knowledge.

If you want to follow then you can do so. they also share informational trades on their Twitter account.

Charles Schwab Corp @CharlesSchwab is a very old financial services company.

They are Champions in investing. They keep sharing their expertise through their website and social media accounts.

But if you want a quick update on their research and learning tweets, then you can check them out.

The Twitter account shared a lot of steps that are necessary in trading the financial market, you can read, you can learn and you can move forward by learning.

In Conclusion

I hope you enjoy this article and this will help you a lot

After a lot of research, we have written this article in which we have given trustworthy and better traders and share the news Twitter accounts and learning accounts and they have a lot of experience, hence they have been in the market for a long time, so it automatically gets plus point in itself.

Now I want to know you: –

Which day trader did you follow before?

How long have you been trading in the market?

Comment Me! I’m Waiting: –


Who to follow on Twitter for stock trading?

Brendan Wickens, is a financial trader who keeps posting his analysis tweets daily, due to which you can get free market analysis and daily recap. He also hosts a channel named TraderTVLive, where you can get live learning and You will also be able to see the analysis.

Can Twitter predict the stock market?

Yes, if you follow good influencers on Twitter and look at their regular tweets, Twitter predicts the stock market.

Is Twitter good for investors?

Yes, whenever there is a big event or a sudden event in any company, you can go to Twitter and read the updates, due to which helps you to a great extent in the financial markets.

Do tweets influence stock prices?

Yes, tweets can influence the stock prices. We can understand this by example from Bitcoin’s etf. When the SEC approved Bitcoin’s etf on Twitter, there was a significant rise in Bitcoin.

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